Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen in FertilizersThe analysis of fertilizers to determine their Carbon and Nitrogen content can be done very rapidly and accurately on the Exeter Analytical Model 440 system.

The Model 440 elemental analyser uses thermal conductivity detectors to simultaneously analyse the nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen content. Interferences are removed through column packing’s and the combusted sample is converted into carbon dioxide, water vapour and nitrogen. Sample preparation is straightforward. Approximately 1-3 mg of fertilizer is weighed out in a tin capsule which is placed in a nickel sleeve for sample containment. A single standard, inserted at set places in the run, can be used for calibration.

The analysis of liquid fertilizer samples can also be done on the Model 440 without sacrificing accuracy or precision. Roughly 1-3 µl of sample is drawn into a syringe or micro pipette and injected into a tin capsule. The capsule is then sealed using an Exeter Analytical Capsule Sealer, weighed, and run with the same parameters as solids.

Featuring a horizontal furnace design, the Exeter Analytical Model 440, allows analysts to routinely and simply produce accurate and precise data on wide ranging sample types without system re-optimisation, saving precious time and reducing running costs. The Model 440 software contains some useful advanced features to enhance your fertilizer analysis. Linear Regression Plus is a unique software algorithm that provides unmatched accuracy in the determination of the nitrogen content of combustible samples. Created from the experience of leading experts in CHN microanalysis – Linear Regression Plus both improves data quality and reduces the time taken to accurately determine the nitrogen composition of samples. Linear Regression Plus enables accurate measurement of low Nitrogen levels with a high degree of accuracy.

For further information please contact Exeter Analytical on +44-2476-323223 (+1-978-251-1411 in North America) or email